A Passion Play


A Passion Play

$18.98 $12.86

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Artist: Jethro Tull
Title: A Passion Play
Genre: Rock / Progressive Rock
Condition: Brand New/Sealed
Special Feature: Stereo Remix By Steven Wilson
Album Type: CD
Number Of Discs : 1
Origin: Holland
Case Type: Jewel Case – Standard
Status: In-stock, ships in 1-2 business days.
Product Code: 0825646146512

Track List

  • A Passion Play
  • Act I Ronnie Pilgrim's Funeral: A Winter's Morning In The Cemetery
  • 1 Lifebeats/Prelude
  • 2 The Silver Cord
  • 3 Re-Assuring Tune
  • Act II The Memory Bank: A Small But Comfortable Theatre With A Cinema Screen - The Next Morning
  • 4 Memory Bank
  • 5 Best Friends
  • 6 Critique Oblique
  • 7 Forest Dance #1
  • 8 The Story Of The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles
  • Act III The Business Office Of G. Oddie And Son - Two Days Later
  • 9 Forest Dance #2
  • 10 The Foot Of Our Stairs
  • 11 Overseer Overture
  • Act IV Magus Perdé's Drawing Room At Midnight
  • 12 Flight From Lucifer
  • 13 10:08 To Paddington
  • 14 Magus Perdé
  • 15 Epilogue


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